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Points & Rewards

Private·5 Discovery Vitality Members


Group for Discovery Vitality members who want to work on their status. The ultimate status of any Vitality member should be Diamond status.

The group aims to share information about points and rewards, the two main futures that made Vitality successful.

The group is for but not limited to AS Broker clients. You have to be a Vitality member or apply to become one to become part of the group.

Your status is irrelevant, and the group's goal is to assist members in getting the maximum from the group.

The extent of the topics created must give you a good idea of how extensive this program is and maybe how much or little you know about Vitality

Group Rules

Respect one another

Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to respectfully disagree. Please be kind and courteous at all times.

Be respectful of others’ privacy

Being in this group depends on our trust of one another. Some discussions may be sensitive or contain sensitive information, so what’s said in the group should stay in the group.

Copyright infringement and trademark

When sharing others people’s posts, images and other content, do not infringe on their copyright or claim other people’s materials as your own.

No harassment of any kind

Bullying, targeting, or attacking a member of this group is not allowed and will not be tolerated.

No sales or spam

No selling to or spamming other members is allowed in this group. Anyone who does so will be subject to immediate removal.

Discovery Products Trademark

Sharing of Discovery Trademarked logos or information is prohibited. You are not permitted by the group to do so you do it at your own risk.

Complaints / Problems /Negativity

The group aims to assist one another, but it is not a place to badmouth the products or services. Somebody in the group may be able to assist with a problem.


Please choose topics when you post something that will help people solve possible problems or get the information they want in the future. The group is still new, and the list of topics will grow.


  • Private

    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • December 28, 2023


  • Albert Schuurman

You Can't Buy Insurance When You Need It!

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