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Retirement isn't the issue, lacking sufficient funds is. You have to be financially free to retire but not old to be financially free!

  • 51 Steps


What can you gain from this course? - Identify the difference between retirement & financial freedom. - Show you why retirement is such a big problem - Share solutions - Give you all the information and tools to help you avoid the pitfalls - Introduce you to the best teachers in the business -Showcase all the products we sell at AS Brokers - My promise for this course - It is free except for collecting your information to enter the course. By entering the course, you permit us to put you on our contact list, and we will promote services and products to you regularly. - I will provide the best information on the topic and introduce you to the best products and services for each point on our financial guidelines. You will have an excellent financial planning background, giving you the proper tools to speak to any financial advisor. - Lessons will be made available daily, and there will be a small test at the end of each lesson. The test is not just for you but also to help us improve our content. - Lessons are short, and we did not fill them with unnecessary content. We know people start courses and never complete them. Our best value add will be at the end, where you will see how to create and achieve your financial freedom goal using the information we have given you. - We created a student group where you can leave comments and get the group to participate in finding solutions. In summary, we will show you that there is a huge problem, and the chances are good you are part of it. We will prove that solutions are available, give them, and empower you to use them, all from somebody who has done it before. Financial freedom is not a destination. It is a journey, and where are you in yours? If it is full of uncertainty, start your learning journey and give yourself a chance to do it. See you inside my course.

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